NNNNAAAAMMMMEEEE Page 1 (printed 4/12/99) PPPPPPPPMMMM99998888____MMMMEEEESSSSHHHHOOOO3333((((MMMMaaaarrrrcccchhhh 1111999999999999)))) UUUUNNNNIIIIXXXX SSSSyyyysssstttteeeemmmm VVVV PPPPPPPPMMMM99998888____MMMMEEEESSSSHHHHOOOO3333((((MMMMaaaarrrrcccchhhh 1111999999999999)))) NNNNAAAAMMMMEEEE ppppppppmmmm99998888____mmmmeeeesssshhhhoooo3333 dddd____ppppppppmmmm99998888____mmmmeeeesssshhhhoooo3333---- writes the 3D grid information into a compressed dump file FFFFOOOORRRRTTTTRRRRAAAANNNN SSSSPPPPEEEECCCCIIIIFFFFIIIICCCCAAAATTTTIIIIOOOONNNN ssssuuuubbbbrrrroooouuuuttttiiiinnnneeee ppppppppmmmm99998888____mmmmeeeesssshhhhoooo3333(((( ssssxxxx,,,, ssssyyyy,,,, sssszzzz,,,, nnnnbbbbddddyyyy____xxxxllll,,,, nnnnxxxx,,,, nnnnbbbbddddyyyy____xxxxrrrr,,,, nnnnbbbbddddyyyy____yyyyllll,,,, nnnnyyyy,,,, nnnnbbbbddddyyyy____yyyyrrrr,,,, nnnnbbbbddddyyyy____zzzzllll,,,, nnnnzzzz,,,, nnnnbbbbddddyyyy____zzzzrrrr,,,, xxxxiiiinnnnttttrrrrllll,,,, yyyyiiiinnnnttttrrrrllll,,,, zzzziiiinnnnttttrrrrllll,,,, iiiiuuuunnnniiiitttt )))) cccchhhhaaaarrrraaaacccctttteeeerrrr****1111 SSSSXXXX,,,, SSSSYYYY,,,, SSSSZZZZ rrrreeeeaaaallll****4444 XXXXIIIINNNNTTTTRRRRLLLL(((( 1111----NNNNBBBBDDDDYYYY____XXXXLLLL::::NNNNXXXX++++NNNNBBBBDDDDYYYY____XXXXRRRR++++1111 )))) rrrreeeeaaaallll****4444 YYYYIIIINNNNTTTTRRRRLLLL(((( 1111----NNNNBBBBDDDDYYYY____YYYYLLLL::::NNNNYYYY++++NNNNBBBBDDDDYYYY____YYYYRRRR++++1111 )))) rrrreeeeaaaallll****4444 ZZZZIIIINNNNTTTTRRRRLLLL(((( 1111----NNNNBBBBDDDDYYYY____ZZZZLLLL::::NNNNZZZZ++++NNNNBBBBDDDDYYYY____ZZZZRRRR++++1111 )))) iiiinnnntttteeeeggggeeeerrrr****4444 NNNNBBBBDDDDYYYY____XXXXLLLL,,,, NNNNXXXX,,,, NNNNBBBBDDDDYYYY____XXXXRRRR iiiinnnntttteeeeggggeeeerrrr****4444 NNNNBBBBDDDDYYYY____YYYYLLLL,,,, NNNNYYYY,,,, NNNNBBBBDDDDYYYY____YYYYRRRR iiiinnnntttteeeeggggeeeerrrr****4444 NNNNBBBBDDDDYYYY____ZZZZLLLL,,,, NNNNZZZZ,,,, NNNNBBBBDDDDYYYY____ZZZZRRRR ssssuuuubbbbrrrroooouuuuttttiiiinnnneeee dddd____ppppppppmmmm99998888____mmmmeeeesssshhhhoooo3333(((( ssssxxxx,,,, ssssyyyy,,,, sssszzzz,,,, nnnnbbbbddddyyyy____xxxxllll,,,, nnnnxxxx,,,, nnnnbbbbddddyyyy____xxxxrrrr,,,, nnnnbbbbddddyyyy____yyyyllll,,,, nnnnyyyy,,,, nnnnbbbbddddyyyy____yyyyrrrr,,,, nnnnbbbbddddyyyy____zzzzllll,,,, nnnnzzzz,,,, nnnnbbbbddddyyyy____zzzzrrrr,,,, xxxxiiiinnnnttttrrrrllll,,,, yyyyiiiinnnnttttrrrrllll,,,, zzzziiiinnnnttttrrrrllll,,,, iiiiuuuunnnniiiitttt )))) cccchhhhaaaarrrraaaacccctttteeeerrrr****1111 SSSSXXXX,,,, SSSSYYYY,,,, SSSSZZZZ rrrreeeeaaaallll****8888 XXXXIIIINNNNTTTTRRRRLLLL(((( 1111----NNNNBBBBDDDDYYYY____XXXXLLLL::::NNNNXXXX++++NNNNBBBBDDDDYYYY____XXXXRRRR++++1111 )))) rrrreeeeaaaallll****8888 YYYYIIIINNNNTTTTRRRRLLLL(((( 1111----NNNNBBBBDDDDYYYY____YYYYLLLL::::NNNNYYYY++++NNNNBBBBDDDDYYYY____YYYYRRRR++++1111 )))) rrrreeeeaaaallll****8888 ZZZZIIIINNNNTTTTRRRRLLLL(((( 1111----NNNNBBBBDDDDYYYY____ZZZZLLLL::::NNNNZZZZ++++NNNNBBBBDDDDYYYY____ZZZZRRRR++++1111 )))) iiiinnnntttteeeeggggeeeerrrr****4444 NNNNBBBBDDDDYYYY____XXXXLLLL,,,, NNNNXXXX,,,, NNNNBBBBDDDDYYYY____XXXXRRRR iiiinnnntttteeeeggggeeeerrrr****4444 NNNNBBBBDDDDYYYY____YYYYLLLL,,,, NNNNYYYY,,,, NNNNBBBBDDDDYYYY____YYYYRRRR Page 1 (printed 4/12/99) PPPPPPPPMMMM99998888____MMMMEEEESSSSHHHHOOOO3333((((MMMMaaaarrrrcccchhhh 1111999999999999)))) UUUUNNNNIIIIXXXX SSSSyyyysssstttteeeemmmm VVVV PPPPPPPPMMMM99998888____MMMMEEEESSSSHHHHOOOO3333((((MMMMaaaarrrrcccchhhh 1111999999999999)))) iiiinnnntttteeeeggggeeeerrrr****4444 NNNNBBBBDDDDYYYY____ZZZZLLLL,,,, NNNNZZZZ,,,, NNNNBBBBDDDDYYYY____ZZZZRRRR all of the above routines are functionally similar. They differ only in the type declarations of their arguments. AAAARRRRGGGGUUUUMMMMEEEENNNNTTTTSSSS SSSSXXXX [input] a one character upper case letter to be used as the AAAA3333DDDD designator to refer to the coordinates in the X direction. Must be unique. Its lower case equivalent will be used by AAAA3333DDDD to indicate and differentiation with respect to that axis. be of FORTRAN type CHARACTER*1. SSSSYYYY [input] a one character upper case letter to be used as the AAAA3333DDDD designator to refer to the coordinates in the Y direction. Must be unique. Its lower case equivalent will be used by AAAA3333DDDD to indicate and differentiation with respect to that axis. be of FORTRAN type CHARACTER*1. Page 2 (printed 4/12/99) PPPPPPPPMMMM99998888____MMMMEEEESSSSHHHHOOOO3333((((MMMMaaaarrrrcccchhhh 1111999999999999)))) UUUUNNNNIIIIXXXX SSSSyyyysssstttteeeemmmm VVVV PPPPPPPPMMMM99998888____MMMMEEEESSSSHHHHOOOO3333((((MMMMaaaarrrrcccchhhh 1111999999999999)))) SSSSZZZZ [input] a one character upper case letter to be used as the AAAA3333DDDD designator to refer to the coordinates in the Z direction. Must be unique. Its lower case equivalent will be used by AAAA3333DDDD to indicate and differentiation with respect to that axis. be of FORTRAN type CHARACTER*1. XXXXIIIINNNNTTTTRRRRLLLL [input] a one dimensional array containing the locations in the X-direction of the lefthand zone interfaces. Note that to fully specify a grid using lefthand zone interfaces, one additional interface is needed on the right of the grid. YYYYIIIINNNNTTTTRRRRLLLL [input] a one dimensional array containing the locations in the Y-direction of the lefthand zone interfaces. Note that to fully specify a grid using lefthand zone interfaces, one additional interface is needed on the right of the grid. ZZZZIIIINNNNTTTTRRRRLLLL [input] a one dimensional array containing the locations in the Z-direction of the lefthand zone interfaces. Note that to fully specify a grid using lefthand zone interfaces, one additional interface is needed on the right of the grid. NNNNBBBBDDDDYYYY____XXXXLLLL [input] the number of boundary or fake zone on the left edge in the X dimension. NNNNXXXX [input] the number of real zones in the X dimension. NNNNBBBBDDDDYYYY____XXXXRRRR [input] the number of boundary or fake zone on the right edge in the X dimension. NNNNBBBBDDDDYYYY____YYYYLLLL [input] the number of boundary or fake zone on the left edge in the Y dimension. Page 3 (printed 4/12/99) PPPPPPPPMMMM99998888____MMMMEEEESSSSHHHHOOOO3333((((MMMMaaaarrrrcccchhhh 1111999999999999)))) UUUUNNNNIIIIXXXX SSSSyyyysssstttteeeemmmm VVVV PPPPPPPPMMMM99998888____MMMMEEEESSSSHHHHOOOO3333((((MMMMaaaarrrrcccchhhh 1111999999999999)))) NNNNYYYY [input] the number of real zones in the Y dimension. NNNNBBBBDDDDYYYY____YYYYRRRR [input] the number of boundary or fake zone on the right edge in the Y dimension. NNNNBBBBDDDDYYYY____ZZZZLLLL [input] the number of boundary or fake zone on the left edge in the Z dimension. NNNNZZZZ [input] the number of real zones in the Z dimension. NNNNBBBBDDDDYYYY____ZZZZRRRR [input] the number of boundary or fake zone on the right edge in the Z dimension. IIIIUUUUNNNNIIIITTTT [input] The FORTRAN logical unit number to be assigned to the open file. DDDDEEEESSSSCCCCRRRRIIIIPPPPTTTTIIIIOOOONNNN This subroutine stores the array dimensions and numerical grid information in a format accessible by the data analysis program aaaa3333dddd. The grid is defined by the locations of the lefthand zone interfaces the the three coordinate directions. Note that this requires one additional interface location to the far right for each coordinate to fully specify the grid. The interface locations are stored in the compressed dump as ASCII text strings in 1pe15.7 format. character strings, SSSSXXXX, SSSSYYYY, and SSSSZZZZ are ONE character ASCII text strings by which AAAA3333DDDD will reference the corresponding axis. These must be upper case letters, as aaaa3333dddd uses the lower case equivalents to indicate differentiation with respect to the corresponding direction. HHHHIIIINNNNTTTTSSSS +o the strings SSSSXXXX, SSSSYYYY, and SSSSZZZZ must be single upper case letters and unique. +o Use PPMLIB_BINOPEN to open the file. Page 4 (printed 4/12/99) PPPPPPPPMMMM99998888____MMMMEEEESSSSHHHHOOOO3333((((MMMMaaaarrrrcccchhhh 1111999999999999)))) UUUUNNNNIIIIXXXX SSSSyyyysssstttteeeemmmm VVVV PPPPPPPPMMMM99998888____MMMMEEEESSSSHHHHOOOO3333((((MMMMaaaarrrrcccchhhh 1111999999999999)))) +o Use PPMLIB_BINCLOSE to close the file when finished. BBBBUUUUGGGGSSSS +o SSSSEEEEEEEE AAAALLLLSSSSOOOO PPM98_BINOPEN PPM98_BINCLOSE PPM98_VAR0D PPM98_VAR1D PPM98_VAR2D PPM98_VAR3D PPM98_TIMESTAMP PPM98_WRITE_COMMENT PPM98_MESHO2 A3D AAAAUUUUTTTTHHHHOOOORRRRSSSS DDDDaaaavvvviiiidddd HHHH.... PPPPoooorrrrtttteeeerrrr dhp@lcse.umn.edu SSSStttteeeevvvveeeennnn AAAA.... AAAAnnnnddddeeeerrrrssssoooonnnn sea@lcse.umn.edu PPPPaaaauuuullll RRRR.... WWWWooooooooddddwwwwaaaarrrrdddd paul@lcse.umn.edu BBBB.... KKKKeeeevvvviiiinnnn EEEEddddggggaaaarrrr bke@lcse.umn.edu Department of Astronomy University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN 55455 USA Page 5 (printed 4/12/99)