PROGRAM PRINT_GRID c C WHAT This program creates a grid or mesh of N=64 zones. c The grid begins a 0.0 and has a total length of 1.0, c consisting of N+1 lefthand interface locations. The c locations of the zone interfaces are then displayed. PARAMETER ( N = 64 ) REAL XL(N+1), X_BEGIN, X_LENGTH X_BEGIN = 0.0 X_LENGTH = 1.0 CALL CREATE_UNIFORM_GRID( XL(1), X_BEGIN, X_LENGTH, N ) WRITE (6,100) 100 FORMAT(' The computational grid is defined by:',/, & 6X,'I',6X,'XL(I)',/,30('_')) DO I=1,N+1 WRITE (6,200) I, XL(I) 200 FORMAT (4X,I4,t10,1PE12.5) ENDDO END ! PROGRAM PRINT_GRID